Tuesday, October 28, 2014

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Advertisement 5th World Cup Kabaddi, Punjab-2014

5th World Cup Kabaddi, Punjab- 2014 
Invitation of Bids for Sponsorship and Invitation for Donations 

Advertisement 5th World Cup Kabaddi


To invite bids for sponsorship and donation for 5th World Cup Kabaddi, Punjab-2014, a tender notice was published in The Tribune English, Ajit Punjabi and Hindustan Times on 18-9-2014. The last date to accept the bids for sponsorship (Title Sponsor, Associate Sponsors and Co-Sponsors) was on or before 25-11-2014 at 2:00 PM. Now, the last date to invite bids for sponsorship has been postponed to 04-11-2014 at 2:00 PM. The bids shall be opened the same day at 3:00 PM. However, the donations can be given till the last date of tournament. The change may kindly be noted.


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